A lot of persons who start using their first hosting account, or change companies, normally have inquiries in regard to how specific procedures are carried out or have problems setting up different things such as e-mails, site settings, etc. This is the reason why, lots of web hosting companies have prepared documentation with popular questions and problems in order to help their clients obtain info swiftly and easily. As a result, the client care team can spend more time on actual problems that given customers may be encountering, as the solution for the smaller things will already be available on the World Wide Web and customers can easily deal with them without contacting the client support team. Having detailed documentation is pretty important, especially for new clients with no past experience, because the hosting service involves an abundance of features and lots of people can become puzzled about what to do. A good knowledge base can both help you execute the procedures that you need and find out how the hosting service functions in general.

Extensive Online Documentation in Shared Website Hosting

All Linux shared website hosting that we are offering feature an exhaustive knowledge base where you can find everything you need to know with regards to your hosting account. Regardless of whether you aim to create a new database, to forward a domain using an .htaccess config file or to set up an e-mail address on your desktop computer or phone, you can just check our help articles and all the information that you need will be there. When you visit a specific section of the Hepsia Control Panel, you can see articles that are relevant to the functions that can be accessed through it. In case you’d like to see the full article list and get informed about all the functions that Hepsia offers, or only to read generic information about the web hosting service, you can browse the whole knowledge base, which can be accessed through the Help menu in your Control Panel. We’ve done our absolute best to encompass any problem that you could possibly experience, but if you do not find the information that you wish, you can always contact us, as our support staff representatives are at your service 24/7.

Extensive Online Documentation in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated servers include a rich article repository where you can find any info that you might require about our hosting services or about the Hepsia hosting Control Panel that we’re using. We have prepared it on the basis of the feedback that we have collected from our customers over the years and, as a result, our articles cover particular problems that you could experience and propose the easiest means of resolving them, for instance receiving a 500 Internal Server Error message or not being able to send emails from your PC even though you have the correct settings. The articles are available in each Control Panel section and you can consult them whenever you want. They can help you increase your knowledge not only about our platform, but also about the web hosting realm in general, as they contain in-depth instructions and general information such as what file permissions or cron jobs are.