Debian is a well-known Linux release, that is used mainly on desktop computers, but numerous people have started using it lately as a web server OS too, due to the stability and security it provides. The latter is a direct result the fact that Debian is developed and supported by countless qualified volunteers all around the world, so that any patch that is required to fix a certain issue is released within a few days. The same community will also help you with any question or problem which a user may ever encounter, as they can be contacted via e-mail using mailing lists and a competent response will be sent in around 15-20 min. The advantage here is that all your questions will be answered by the same people who have created the Operating System itself and they have an in-depth knowledge of how it works. As Debian is free, you won't have to pay any license fees to use it and you will be able to customize it as much as you want or need. This is valid for the Operating System and the 30.000+ software packages that are readily available for it.

Debian in VPS Hosting

You're able to choose the Debian Operating System with each and every virtual private server solution that we supply. 32-bit and 64-bit releases of the OS are among the options that you'll find on the order page, which means that you can pick the one that is more suitable for the software that you need to install and run later. A Debian-powered VPS can be set up either with no Control Panel or with our custom Hepsia Control Panel. In the first case, you have more freedom, as you will have full root access and you'll be able to use the advantages and the full functionality offered by Debian. In the second case, the root access will be restricted, yet you are able to control your world wide web content via a web interface, not a console. If you don't have much time to command your Debian-powered server, or if you don't have a lot of experience, you can add the Managed Services upgrade to your package and our admins will take care of the regular OS updates.

Debian in Dedicated Web Hosting

You'll be able to select the Debian Operating System for your new dedicated server with a click on our registration page and based on your choice, we'll set up the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of the OS on your machine, to ensure that the software that you'll install later will work in the very best way. Selecting a server without any Control Panel, you'll get Debian and the Apache web server software and you will be able to manage everything through a console. A server which is ordered with our Hepsia Control Panel will feature all the software that you may need for your web sites. Even though with the latter option the root access will be limited, you are able to control the server as if it were a shared website hosting account, therefore you can take advantage of a dedicated machine even if you have no previous experience with this kind of web hosting service. If you buy the Managed Services upgrade, we'll maintain your server and will update its OS every week in order to make sure that you have the most current and most risk-free version.